Site Owner
SIMON Edwige
286 Av Michel Jourdan
06150 Cannes La Bocca
Phone: 06 62 21 49 99
2 rue Kellermann
BP 80157
59100 Roubaix
Other legal obligations
Respect the code of intellectual property
Once there is creation, there property. The Intellectual Property Code applies to all forms of creation of the mind such as photos, articles, etc. the illustration.
If you wish to use content that does not belong to you, ask the permission of the author and / or acquit you of copyright and related rights correspondents.
For all creation, rights are assigned for use specified at the start. For a new use, for example on another carrier, you will need to reapply.
However, you can make use of free content. These creations protected by copyright but freely distributed by the will of their authors.
Respect the right image
Any person, whatever his reputation, has an exclusive right to his image and the use made of it. It can therefore oppose its reproduction and distribution.
Because the image of a person is a personal data, the principles of the “Data Protection” Act apply. The broadcast from a web site, for example, picture or video of a person must be in compliance with the protective principles of the law of 6 January 1978. These principles meet the guarantees from the right to the image. (CNIL)